Monday, February 25, 2008

One year ago...

Exactly one year ago, I landed in Amsterdam… The city where everything is allowed, and where I was going to live for seven months! At the beginning it was the strngest feeling in the world: to leave my place, go to a different country, different language, different people, knowing no one, having no place to stay, and worse…. It was Sunday! Who knows Netherlands, also knows that on Sunday everything is closed, even supermarkets, stores, coffee shops and restaurants. I thought I was lost, I was going to meet someone that I never did before, and I just knew from msn picture! Everything went ok, and now I see that "I had the time of my life”…. If it was today, I would do everything the same!


My first Train

My First Stop

My First Dinner

1 comment:

Mª João said...

ja foi há um ano?!?! ;(

O tempo voa mesmo